Scale past 100k+ p/m while cutting your time spent in ops in half.

Want to scale your business faster by working more ON the business instead of daily firefighting in the operations and by making your team, processes and execution more efficient?

Scale past 100k+ p/m while cutting your time spent in operations in half.

Want to scale your business faster by working more ON the business instead of daily firefighting in the operations and by making your team, processes and execution more efficient?
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You will be taken to Calendly where you can choose a time.


5+ years


100+ entrepreneurs


1000+ hours/week

total saved time 

As a 6-figure agency or online biz owner, you might know this:

Your clients are happy with your work, but you struggle with...

Inconsistent lead gen & dependent on referrals

You don’t have an automated system that allows you to get predictable and consistent high-quality clients every month without having to do a ton of manual outreach (which you have no time for).

Lack of efficient systems & processes

Manual tasks are slowing you down. Onboarding
new clients takes too long. You need to
automate repetitive tasks but don't know
how or don't have time. And you need to optimize your offer to get high quality clients faster, at a higher price, that are easier to fulfill.

Putting out fires and wasting time

You spend too much time working IN the business vs. ON the business. You're constantly distracted and putting out fires because your team can't solve problems without you. You waste hours on unimportant stuff every day, not progressing as fast as you could.

Lacking A-Player Team

Your team needs too much hand-holding
and delegating feels impossible because
they tend to get stuck without you. Leading
your team is tough, and there is no high performance and ownership culture. Finding top
talent is difficult. Training them feels slow and messy. They leave too quickly and you have to start the frustrating cycle again.

Low energy, focus & output

You're not sleeping well, feeling tired and drained, lack focus, and often crash in the afternoon. You get distracted a lot. You're often working late into the evening, but still feel guilty of not working enough. Your productivity with money making and business growth tasks is not consistently high enough and so you don't grow as fast as you could.

Money wasted and missed opportunities

You realize all of this is costing you a LOT of money. Missed deals on sales calls because you are not sharp enough. Money left on the table while you were sick, wasting time, or spending all your time putting out fires. Losing employees you took months to train because you are not a good leader. Money wasted in business strategy coachings because you don't have time to implement them.

Solving these challenges is what we do every day.

Having worked with over 100 agency & brand owners in the past 5+ years, we know exactly what to do to help you scale to 7 & 8-figures without being stuck in the operations.
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Check Out Some Of Our Results And Case Studies


Nicolas Buysschaert

- From €10,000 to over €130,000 per month.
- 2 People to 10 people.
- Less stress & more time.

Now his agency is at 8.5 million in yearly revenue and employs 35 people.
"I can definitely recommend working with Kilian and his team."


Austin Lovell

- Scaled from 20-30k/month to over 470k/month cash collected (with 150k in profit) in less than a year.
"If you're an agency owner that wants to get to 100k/month while also reducing your time in the ops... it's gonna completely change the game for you."



Nicholas Goulart

- Scaled from $31,000 to over $76,000 per month.
- While getting back 20+ hours per week to work ON the business.
"I've gotten access to very high-level 7 & 8-figure entrepreneurs that are very supportive, almost like a brotherhood. That part alone made it all worth it"


Kyle Ellerbrock

- Added $20,000 of MRR in his first 60 days
- Got back 25+ hrs/wk of deep work ON the business.
"We are skyrocketing in growth. If you're considering support to scale your agency, I would look no further than this team"


Matt Panek

- Scaled agency beyond 100,000 per month.
- Working 10-20 hours less than before.
"We had the best months in our business ever, despite working less and having more time for fitness, my relationships and reducing stress.

It has completely changed my life. This might be the best investment for both your business and for your happiness."
Philip Beckermann
Owner at IMP Digital
$350k/month. Optimized team and operations
Mark Patchett
$100k+/month. Reduced ops time by 95%
Helge Ruff
Owner at OneTwoSocial
$550k/month. Optimized team and leadership
Alexander Peltz
Owner at Rosental Organics
8-Figures. Optimized team and leadership
Niklas Massing
8-Figure Founder
Optimized team and leadership

Want To See Even More?

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CONSISTENT PERFORMANCE is the solution for scaling the most efficient way possible.

Our Consistent Performance System™ has been created from over 5 years of experience working with top agency & brand owners as well as our own experience, applying everything we teach ourselves. It's the system we use to help agencies and brand owners scale to 7 & 8 figures the most efficient way possible.
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Inside our program, we'll help you with:


Automated and predictable lead generation

We’ll help you set up an automated AI lead-gen system so you can get predictable and consistent high-quality clients every month without having to do a ton of manual outreach or be dependent on an outside agency (that overpromises and underdelivers). We’ll help you optimize your offer so you can close better clients at higher prices, with faster onboarding, and fewer people.

Creating an A-Player Team:

We’ll help you hire, onboard and build a team of A-players and show you how to lead them effectively so they take care of all the operational work for you without your help, so you can focus on scaling your agency past 100k per month while cutting your time in the ops in half.

Building Strong Systems and SOPs:

We’ll give you DFY templates to create all your SOPs and systems and document all the processes in your agency so you can delegate all the operational work to your team without having to jump in and put out fires. And we’ll show you how to automate most processes in your agency so you can eliminate 60-80% of the manual work and repetitive tasks you have right now.

Optimizing Schedule and Speed of Execution:

We will help you optimize your own and your teams' schedule so you always have time to work on high-leverage tasks without any distractions. And we’ll increase your speed of execution so you can finish key projects faster without getting stuck in the operations or having to work late every night to catch up on unfinished work ever again.


So you can…


  • Generate more revenue and increase your profit margins
  • Have more time to work ON the business (instead of in it)
  • Scale 3-5 times faster while cutting your time in the ops in half
  • Have more time and less stress while scaling your agency past 100k+ per month


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Your World-Class Coaching Experience

Being part of Consistent Performance Mentoring will give you bespoke coaching experience unlike any other. Instead of just playing around with a few pieces of the puzzle, we take a holistic look at all key areas of your business: 

from offer, lead gen, sales, hiring & team and processes to your own execution and leadership as the owner

- just like we did with over 100 other top entrepreneurs in the past 5+ years.


Content & Support

Other Coaches & Programs
Give you some video course and do some weekly live calls with tons of other participants where you have to fight over getting your questions answered.
Customised premium coaching. Get to know you and your situation at a deep level & help you uncover your blind spots. Clear & personalised Game Plan. 1 on 1 calls. Small Group Calls.

Continuous & flexible chat, voice, video support. Plug & Play Templates, Plans, Tools & Frameworks. Mastermind, community & networking with other top agency & brand owners. Exclusive access to exotic client retreats.
Customised premium coaching. Get to know you and your situation at a deep level & help you uncover your blind spots.

Clear & personalised Game Plan. 1 on 1 calls. Small Group Calls.

Continuous & flexible chat, voice, video support. Plug & Play Templates, Plans, Tools & Frameworks. 

Mastermind & community with other top agency & ecom owners. Exclusive access to exotic client retreats.

Implementation & Accountability

Other Coaches & Programs
No customised game plan adapted to your situation. Give you more info that you already know and too many things to do at a time.

Tell you what to do but not how to actually implement and adapt it to your situation so you can stick to it long term.

Proper accountability & implementation missing.
No customized game plan adapted to your situation. Give you more info that you already know and too many things to do at a time. Tell you what to do but not how to actually implement and adapt it to your situation so you can stick to it long term.
Strong focus on implementation & execution. Step by step personalised Roadmap, so you always have clarity & our help to implement the key fixes first.

Done with you and done for you implementation for your team and business.

You get a personalised Daily Performance Dashboard where we check in regularly to keep you on track. We are in constant communication to keep you accountable and won't let you fall off.
Strong focus on implementation & execution. Step by step personalized Roadmap, so you always have clarity & our help to implement the key fixes first.

We use science-based Frameworks adapted to your situation so you can implement and stick to better habits long term.

You get a personalised Daily Performance Dashboard where we check in regularly to keep you on track. 

We are in constant communication to keep you accountable and won't let you fall off.


Other Coaches & Programs
Did some courses, read some books and now offer coaching.
5+ years of coaching full time. Years of training and practice in the actual skill of coaching, psychology and behavioral science. 

What we teach comes from actual experience helping 100+ top agency & brand owners scale to 7 & 8 figures, and from practicing what we preach ourselves.

Deep Understanding

Other Coaches & Programs
Work with all types of people, not really specialised, lacking deep understanding of the nuanced challenges of agency & brand owners.
We specialise in ambitious & driven agency owners. Over the past 5+ years we have seen and heard all types of issues before. 

We know exactly what challenges you have and will have, what's holding you back the most, where it's coming from and how to solve it.
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The #1 Consistency Podcast

Thousands of listeners learn valuable tips on more consistent business growth every week


The Consistent Performance Podcast

Would you like to scale your agency to 7 & 8 figures, by improving your team, scaling processes and execution?

On the Consistent Performance Podcast, Kilian Markert shares the best lessons from coaching over 100+ 6-, 7 and 8-figure founders. 

Kilian shows you how to build scaling systems, grow, manage and lead your team more effectively and scale your business beyond 100k+ p/m without being stuck in the operations.

About Kilian Markert

Kilian Markert is owner & founder of Consistent Performance Mentoring.

In the last 5+ years, he's worked closely with over 100 high-achieving entrepreneurs, ranging from 6 & 7-figure agency owners & consultants, to 7 & 8 figure ecom brand owners.

His mission with Consistent Performance is to create disciplined & consistent leaders that achieve & maintain success in business AND all other areas of life.

Consistent Performance Mastermind Events

Do you want to surround yourself with 7 & 8 figure Agency & eCom Brand Owners for 4 intense days in a luxury villa?

Learn more about our CP Mastermind Events!

Here are the next steps...

As one of the leading coaching businesses for agency & brand owners, we receive constant requests from business owners wanting to work with us. We are highly selective who we work with as we guarantee results and satisfaction with our frameworks.


Step 1
Click on one of the buttons and make an appointment with Kilian Markert via Calendly.
Step 2
Together we will talk about your current situation & challenges and come up with a growth plan to hit your goals.
Step 3
If we're a good fit for working together, we discuss the details and next steps.
Step 1
Click on one of the buttons and make an appointment with Kilian Markert via Calendly.
Step 2
Together we will talk about your current situation & challenges and come up with a growth plan to hit your goals.
Step 3
If we're a good fit for working together, we discuss the details and next steps.


You will be taken to Calendly where you can choose a time.


Still have any questions?
Here are the answers!




Scale to the next level the most efficient & effective way possible - guaranteed.

Are you ready to scale to 7 & 8 figures by improving your team, processes and execution? Then click on the button now and arrange a meeting with Kilian Markert.
Important: Because of the high-touch, hands-on-support nature of our coaching, we only work with a limited number of clients at a time. To get a chance to work together, apply for your free initial consultation now, as long as we still offer them.


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